It all started inside the hives where the colonies of bees are working together homogeneously to produce this rich product called “Honey”.
With the effort of the members of the United Cooperative Association of Beekeepers in Akkar, which combines 3 cooperatives from Akkar:
- Cooperative Association of Beekeepers in Akkar el Atika and its surroundings.
- Cooperative Association of Beekeepers in Bazbina and its surroundings.
- Cooperative Association of beekeeping in Kobayat.

The Union was established in 2003, and later became a founding member of the Mediterranean Beekeeping Forum in Italy. The Union participated in several local and international conferences in Italy, Tunisia, Morocco and others.
The Union currently gather around 220 members and worked to develop beekeepers’ skills through training workshops on beekeeping modern methods, queen rearing, best practices for diseases treatment…
Through its center in Akkar El Atika, the Union provides:
- services for its members such as provision of honey extraction equipment and treatment for some diseases
- services for all beekeepers in the governorate and Lebanon, such as wax recycling and reprinting, in addition to production and provision of candy dough.
The richness of AlRiif Honey comes from the rich biodiversity of the flora found in the Akkar region, which includes plants and trees such as oregano, wild thyme, rosemary, sage, oak trees and many more wildflowers and thorny plants.
From Akkar remote countryside to its coastal plains, bees turn the nectar they collect from flowers, oak trees and thorny plants into honey by adding enzymes to the nectar and reducing the moisture, transforming it thereby to what we call AlRiif Honey.
AlRiif Honey is 100% natural honey, whereby its quality is certified by the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture in Tripoli- CCIAT.